7 Things That Suck About Living in a Car

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, there are TONS of perks of living in a car. But, you guys know that I like to keep it real with you, which means sharing the good AND the bad with you.

So, in this blog post, I am going to share a few reasons why living in a car might be scary/uncomfortable/weird at times. While most of these things don’t bother me very often, I want to share everything with you so that you are aware of what could happen. I am not telling you these things to scare you or deter you from living in a car…not at all! I am telling you these things so that you are knowledgeable about what you’re getting into, and so that you can prepare accordingly if you’re about to be living in a car. And so that you can just know some of the good and bad about this alternative lifestyle.

I actually have two lists: one that is more surface level/lighter things, and ones that might weigh a little bit heavier on your mind and heart. Let’s start off with the “lighter” list.

So let’s get into the “lighter” list.

  1. You have to deal with the weather more actively than you do living in a house

  2. You also have to deal with outside noise more often/directly

  3. It kind of sucks when you have a bathroom emergency or get sick

  4. Most simple things take more steps and more time to accomplish, and are less convenient (using the restroom, taking a shower, making meals, etc)

  5. Unless you pack VERY lightly, your car is never going to be spotlessly clean and organized (it can get close, though)

  6. There’s less space for you and all of your stuff

  7. And most of your things are going to be stored away, so will just take a little extra time and effort to access

This list was more of the “lighter” things, but I will post another blog post in a few weeks of the more “serious/heavier” things.

If you live in a car, let me know some of your least favorite parts about it.

Goodnight and God Bless. <3


7 MORE Perks of Living in a Car


7 Perks of Living in a Car